大人向け絵本 ゴルフの本(英語)

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大人向け絵本 ゴルフの本(英語)




大人向け絵本 ゴルフの本(英語)



  ・ 主人公の名前
  ・ 性別
  ・ 呼び名
  ・ 年齢
  ・ 主人公がよく行くゴルフ場
  ・ 一緒にラウンドする友達の名前(3人まで)
  ・ プレゼントする人の名前
  ・ プレゼント日
  ・ 主人公のメッセージ(40字以内)

【本文紹介】 この色の部分にご希望のデータをお入れします。

The Game
of Golf,

a personalized storybook
Written by
Illustrated by
Stephen McKelvay

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Thisbook was created

especially for

a golfer without equal!

September 4, 2005

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The game of golf, as we know it,
was developed in Scotland in the
early 1700's. Since itshumble
beginnings, the game has exploded
in popularity around the world.
From its legendary stars like
Slammin' Sammy Snead to the current
crop of rising young stars on the
PGA and LPGA tours, the gamehas
been played many ways.
And then, there isHaruoOgawa's way!

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HaruoandAkira,Yokoand ,Eiji,
often tee it up on their favorite golf course,
Ggrand Fields Country Club.
When this happens,the only thing safe from
their golf shots is the middle of the fairway.
Worms, trees, ducks, fish and birds are in mortal danger!

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Rumors to the contrary,Haruois nocheapskate.
The truth is,Haruomay
be a bitfrugal when it comes to
less important issues like
retirement planning,dental work and
back - taxes - but not when it comes
to golf equipment.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **

Haruolearned long ago that golf isa
game you play to win. After all,
there's usually a wager or two atstake.
Over the years,Haruohas learnedto
hold his breath on his backswing,
play the ball where it lies,and
never worry about a little water.

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Golfis not the most important thing
inHaruo's life.He knows how to set
priorities and put things into perspective.
It is nottrue thatHaruoonce played
an entire round ofgolf in a tornado.
He played 17 holes - his golf clubs blew away!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **

Every golfer dreams about a perfect
round of golf. This is a gamewhere
every drive is down the middle of the
fairway, every green is hitin
regulation, and every putt is knocked
into the center of the cup.
some golfers even aspire to the
ultimate accomplishment -shooting
one's age.Haruohas notrouble
shooting62. The problem is, he does
iton the first few holes.

* * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *

Most "good" golfers have a collection of
shotsfor every occasion. These include afade,
a draw, a bank shot, and a bunkershot.
Haruoalso has a collection of golfshots
including the worm burner, the skull, and
the pop-fly. His best shotis called,
"Ooops, that' a mulligan, "so named by
Akira,Yokoand ,Eiji.

* * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Years ago, a golf handicap systemwas
invented. This system was designed to
let golfers of different skillsand
abilities play against one another on
an equal basis. The idea is totake
the best 10 rounds of a golfer's last
20 rounds and use these todetermine one's handicap.
The system has one major flaw forHaruo
: he has never played 10 rounds of golf worthcounting.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *

One of the reasonsHaruoplays golfis
for the exercise it provides. Other
activities were just not right forHaruo.
He tried swimming, but kept sinking
tothe bottom. He tried tennis,
but the net kept getting in the way.
Jumping to conclusions was fine, but tired him out.
Golf providesexactly the right amount
of exercise for a finely tuned athletic
body likeHaruo.

* * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After most rounds of golf,Haruousually
joins Kimura, Nakai and Inagaki for avisit
to the 19th hole. This provides them
with a chance to rehash theshots of
the day, settle the wagers, and plan
their next outing.
Thescene is usually the same.
Haruodelays in thepro shop
until the drinks are bought.
Then he rehashes all of hisunlucky bounces,
pays off his debts, and leaves just before
it is hisround at the bar.

* * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *

Despite his apparent lack of skill,
Haruostill manages to hit the
occasional good golfshot. There is
still talk about the birdieHaruogot
last year when he miraculously hit
his shot out of a deep bunkerright
into the hole.

* * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *

Haruo Ogawaand hispartners play
golf for the love of the game. For
them it's an outing, achance to get
close to nature, and a way to
relive tension.Haruoonce said,
"Every time I hit the golfball,my
stress level goes down."
Otherwise, why would he hit so many shots?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **

Haruohas always dreamed aboutwriting
his own golf book.
Some of the titles he has considered include:
Haruo's Tip on Lining Up Your 4th putt
Golfand Divorce: Do ItHaruo's Way
The 19th Hole: HowHaruoNever Buys

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **

Despite suffering through years and
years of frustration playinggolf his
way,Haruohas always remained agood
sport. His demeanor is beyond
reproach, he never loses control,and
his voice is never loud enough for
anyone over a mile away to hear.
This, together with the fact that
Haruoalways pays off his losing bets,
makes him the perfect partner.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thegame of golf is certainly a challenge toHaruoOgawa.
Many friends, includingAkira,Yokoand,Eiji,
ask why heeven plays the game.
The reason is simple.
Haruoenjoys watching miraculous events
such as a longputt dropping in or an iron shot
finding its way into the hole.
Haruowould enjoy it even more if he
were the personhitting these shots.

* * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * *

DearHaruo: Enjoy thegame as you play it.
Don't let your scores ruin your day.
Think of golfthe same way you think about
bowling: the higher the score, the better.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **

with love formYoko and Eiji

September 4, 2005
